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邮 箱liuhaoma@whut.edu.cnlhma@link.cuhk.edu.hk


2019年 博士 香港中文大学

2015年 硕士 华中科技大学

2012年 学士 华中科技大学


2020.12-今       武汉理工大学      教师、硕士生导师

2019-2020          香港中文大学         博士后研究员


  1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项2025-2028

  2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项2022-2024

  3. 主持国家重大科技基础设施项目课题一项2024-2025

  4. 主持佛山仙湖实验室重大项目课题一项2024-2027

  5. 主持国家重大科技基础设施项目课题一项2023-2024

  6. 主持应用光学国家重点实验室开放基金一项2022-2023

  7. 主持佛山仙湖实验室重大项目子课题一项2022-2023

  8. 主持美的集团委托研发项目一项2021-2022

  9. 入职前参与香港研究资助局优配研究基金,香港创新科技署创新及科技基金,国家重点研发计划"政府间国际科技创新合作"重点专项,国家自然科学基金面上项目,深圳市基础研究重点项目,广东省自然科学基金以及国家重点实验室开放基金。







王伟硕 士 (香港理工大学 建筑环境和能源工程系)

杜威硕 士 (武汉法雷奥技术中心)


江鹏硕 士(香港理工大学 建筑环境和能源工程系)

盛钢硕 士 (上海微电子装备集团)


温大新硕 士 (香港中文大学机械与自动化工程系,校优秀硕士论文)


  1. 湖北省高层次创新人才项目2023

  2. 湖北省楚天学者-楚天学子项目2022

  3. 湖北省武汉英才-优秀青年人才项目2021

  4. 2022年中国轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖

  5. 华中科技大学优秀毕业研究生2015

  6. Energy》、《Proceedings of the Combustion Institute》、《Photonics Research》、《Optics Express》、《Applied Optics》、《Applied Physics B》、《Measurement Science and Technology》等杂志审稿人



  1. 周晨,马柳昊*,王宇.基于外差相敏色散光谱技术的宽动态范围甲烷气体检测.中国光学2024, 17(4): 789-800

  2. 陆盛曜,马柳昊*,张健鹏,李青,周吉伟,万涛,王宇,中红外层析吸收光谱技术应用于甲烷掺氨层流预混火焰温度测量,2024光学 精密工程,已接收;

  3. H. Sun, D. Wen, K-P. Cheong, L. Ma, K. Ni, W. Ren*. Cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy for sensitive OH detection in a laminar premixed flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2024; 40, 105662;

  4. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Han, C. Yuan, Y. Liu*, L. Ma, W. Ren. On the determination of the standing oblique detonation wave in an engine combustor using laser absorption spectroscopy of hydroxyl radical,Aerospace Science and Technology, 202452. 109344

  5. L. Ma, W. Du, D. Wen, Y. Wang*. Infrared multi-spectral soot emission for robust and high-fidelity flame thermometry. Optics Letters, 48, 980-983, (2023).

  6. L. Ma*, W. Wang, C. Zhou, Y. Wang*. A laser absorption sensor for fuel slip monitoring in high-humidity flue gases from ammonia combustion.Measurement Science and Technology 2023; 34, 094005.

  7. L. Ma, W. Hu, W. Wang, Y. Wang*. Transfer learning-based multi-wavelength laser sensor for high fidelity and real-time monitoring of ambient temperature and humidity. Applied Optics 2023; 62, 5932-5945.

  8. 刘宁博,赵逸佳,陆盛曜,马柳昊*.热化学参数非均匀分布对双色激光吸收光谱测量碳烟火焰温度的影响.光学精密工程202331(19):2799-2808.

  9. L. Ma*, K-P Cheong*, K. Duan, W. Ren, "Hybrid constraint multi-line absorption spectroscopy for non-uniform thermochemical measurements in axisymmetric laminar and jet flames",Optics and lasers in Engineering, 154, 107014, (2022).

  10. G. Sheng, L. Ma*, D. Wen, Y. Wang*. Simultaneous measurements of temperature, CO2 concentration and soot volume fraction in counterflow diffusion flames using a single mid-infrared laser, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 128, 62, (2022).

  11. M. Zhou, F. Yan, L. Ma*, P. Jiang, Y. Wang*, S. Chung, "Chemical speciation and soot measurements in laminar counterflow diffusion flames of ethylene and ammonia mixtures", Fuel,308, 122003 (2022).

  12. D. Wen, L. Ma*, Y. Wang*, "Effects of thermochemical non-uniformity on line-of-sight laser absorption thermometry in counterflow diffusion flames", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 277, 107990, (2022).

  13. M. Raza,L. Ma*, S. Yao, L. Cheng, W. Ren*, "High-temperature dual-species (CO/NH3) detection using calibration-free scanned-wavelength-modulation spectroscopy at 2.3 μm ",Fuel,305, 121591 (2021).

  14. L. Ma, K-P Cheong*, M. Yang, C. Yuan, W. Ren*, "On the quantification of boundary layer effects on the line-of-sight temperature measurements using laser absorption spectroscopy", Combustion Science and Technology,2021,https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2021.1925657.

  15. L. Ma, K-P. Cheong, H. Ning, W. Ren*, "An improved study of the uniformity of laminar premixed flames using laser absorption spectroscopy and CFD simulation", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 112 110013 (2020).

  16. L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, H, Ning, and W. Ren*, "Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(2), 1329−1336 (2019).

  17. L. Ma, H. Ning, J. Wu, K-P. Cheong, W. Ren*, "Characterization of temperature and soot volume fraction in the laminar premixed sooting flame: laser absorption/extinction measurement and 2D CFD simulation", Energy & Fuels, 32(12), 12962−12970 (2018).

  18. L. Ma, H. Ning, J. Wu, W. Ren*, "In situ flame temperature measurements using a mid-infrared two-line H2O laser-absorption thermometry", Combustion Science and Technology, 190(3), 392−407 (2018).

  19. L. Ma, Z. Wang, K-P. Cheong, H, Ning, and W. Ren*, "Temperature and H2O sensing in laminar premixed flames using mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy",Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 124:117 (2018).

  20. L. Ma, L.Y. Lau, and W. Ren*, "Non-uniform temperature and species concentration measurements in a laminar flame using multi-band infrared absorption spectroscopy", Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 123:83 (2017).

  21. Y. Shang#, Z. Wang#, L. Ma, J. Shi, H. Ning*, W. Ren*, S. Luo, "Shock tube measurement of NO time-histories in nitromethane pyrolysis using a quantum cascade laser at 5.26 μm", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(1), 1745-1752, (2021).

  22. H. Ning, J. Wu, L. Ma, W. Ren*, "Exploring the pyrolysis chemistry of prototype aromatic ester phenyl formate: Reaction pathways, thermodynamics and kinetics", Combustion and Flame, 211, 337−346 (2020).

  23. J. Wu, H. Ning, L. Ma, P. Zhang and W. Ren*, "Cascaded group-additivity ONIOM: A new method to approach CCSD(T)/CBS energies of large aliphatic hydrocarbons", Combustion and Flame, 201, 31-43 (2019). (2019).

  24. H. Ning, J. Wu, L. Ma, W. Ren*, D. F. Davidson, and R. K. Hanson, "Chemical kinetic modeling and shock tube study of methyl propanoate decomposition", Combustion and Flame, 184, 30−40 (2017).









